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Bio-identical hormones are plant based, extracted from Soya & Yams. They are made from plant oestrogen’s and based on a substance known as “Diosgenin”
The hormones within your body control most of your basic bodily functions, and work as an internal communication system between your body’s cells. Everything from your daily mood, energy, digestion, appetite, immune system and libido is controlled by hormones, which is why when these hormones are out-of-sync or unbalanced, it can have a huge impact on your physical and mental health and well-being
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is used to treat both men and women when their hormone levels drop or become unbalanced. It’s most frequently used to ease the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause in women, and this is what we specialise in here at The Menopause Clinic.
Recent research has shown that women are experiencing perimenopause and menopause at much earlier ages than is predicted, and sometimes by the age of 40, a woman can be totally depleted of normal levels of estrogen, have lost almost all their progesterone, and have lost more than half of their testosterone. These fluctuating levels and hormone imbalances can cause serious health issues in some cases, and it’s for this reason that we really encourage patients not to wait until symptoms are strong before getting their hormone levels assessed.
All bio-identical hormone treatments that are prescribed by Deborah Vines at The Menopause Clinic are individually tailored to suit each patient’s needs and requirements and come in the form of creams, lozenges or capsules, depending on which is most suitable.